Isu ini beredar di Malaysia sejak tahun 2006. Dikatakan bahwa beberapa
orang melihat beberapa pedagang gorengan mencampur, botol plastic,
tali raffia kedalam minyak goreng yang dipakai untuk menggoreng
pisang, kuih (makanan Malaysia) , ayam dan kentang . Lokasi kejadian
di Pasar Tani, Larkin, Johor Baru.
Berita ini merebak cepat dari mulut ke mulut , dan bahkan masuk ke
koran The Sunday Time Singapur, Maret 2008. Isue ini juga melanda
Indonesia melalui Internet.
Apa benar ?
Untuk mencari bukti, maka Tim dari The Sunday Post di Malaysia
Mengambil contoh makanan yang dicurigai dan menghubungi perusahaan
kimia untuk melakukan test.
Mereka tidak mempunyai peralatan untuk melalukannya. Bahkan State
Health Department, The State Chemistry Department dan Universitas
Malaysia Serawak (Unimas) tidak dapat membantu.
Selama tidak ada pengaduan ke instansi pemerintah, mereka tidak
melakukan pengetesan hanya berdasarkan issue belaka.
Untuk memenuhi rasa keingintahuan maka Tim dari The Sunday Post
Malaysia melakukan percobaan menggoreng pisang dengan beberapa
parameter campuran tepung, air, tepung beras , tepung tapioca.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa kombinasi yang dicoba :
C-tepung terigu dan air
D-tepung terigu da, tepung beras dan air
E-tepung terigu, tepung tapioca dan air
F-tepung terigu, kapur sirih dan air
G-tepung terigu dan air , tetapi di goreng dalam minyak yang
dimasukkan sedotan plastic, botol plastic, tali raffia.
Semua dilakukan dengan wajan , minyak yang sama, kecuali sample G dan
pada temperature yang sama.
Hasil percobaaan:
Semua kombinasi dapat dimakan , kecuali sample yang digoreng dengan
minyak yang ditambahkan dengan plastic (Sample G).
Ditemukan adanya plastic yang lumer menempel pada kulit pisang
goreng.Saat sample G di belah dua maka tercium bau plastic yang
Untuk tes kerenyahan hanya sample C dan E yang paling memuaskan.
Sample G yang menggunakan plastic bahkan tidak memenuhi criteria
renyah. Sample G ini alot dan kulit pisang gorengnya sukar di kupas.
Setelah didiamkan setengah hari semua sample sudah tidak renyah lagi.
Jadi .......teruskan makan pisang gorengnya. Jangan lupa dibarengi
dengan secangkir kopi.
Untuk referensi cari di Google , ketik "frying oil with plastics".
Nanti keluar gossip2 banyak sekali yang membuat orang resah lagi. Jusuf
Carmelita Clinic
Janur Raya TK 2/ 15
Kelapa Gading
Jakarta 14240-Indonesia
Tel +62 21 4515601, 4516301
Fax +62 21 4516343
Minggu, 29 Juni 2008
MITOS goreng pisang dgn minyak dicampur plastik
Posted by It's Just Me at Minggu, Juni 29, 2008
Jumat, 27 Juni 2008
Kamis, 26 Juni 2008
An incredible love story
An incredible love story has come out of China recently and managed to touch the world.
It is a story of a man and an older woman who ran off to live and love each other in peace for over half a century.
The 70-year-old Chinese man who hand-carved over 6,000 stairs up a mountain for his 80-year-old wife has passed away in the cave which has been the couple's home for the last 50 years.
Over 50 years ago, Liu Guojiang a 19 year-old boy, fell in love with a 29 year-old widowed mother named Xu Chaoqin..
In a twist worthy of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, friends and relatives criticized the relationship because of the age difference and the fact that Xu already had children.At that time, it was unacceptable and immoral for a young man to love an older woman.. To avoid the market gossip and the scorn of their communities, the couple decided to elope and lived in a cave in Jiangjin County in Southern ChongQing Municipality.
In the beginning, life was harsh as hey had nothing, no electricity or even food. They had to eat grass and roots they found in the mountain, and Liu made a kerosene lamp that they used to light up their lives.
Xu felt that she had tied Liu down and repeatedly asked him, 'Are you regretful? Liu always replied, 'As long as we are industrious, life will improve.'
In the second year of living in the mountain, Liu began and continued for over 50 years, to hand-carve the steps so that his wife could get down the mountain easily.
Half a century later in 2001, a group of adventurers were exploring the forest and were surprised to find the elderly couple and the over 6,000 hand-carved steps. Liu MingSheng, one of their seven children said, 'My parents loved each other so much, they have lived in seclusion for over 50 years and never been apart a single day. He hand carved more than 6,000 steps over the years for my mother's convenience, although she doesn't go down the mountain that much.'

Xu spent days softly repeating this sentence and touching her husband's black coffin with tears rolling down her cheeks.
In 2006, their story became one of the top 10 love stories from China , collected by the Chinese Women Weekly. The local government has decided to preserve the love ladder and the place they lived as a museum, so this love story can live forever.

Info Rencana Pemadaman Listrik untuk wilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya
Selamat Siang,
Kami kirim Info Rencana Pemadaman Listrik untuk wilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya.
Pemadaman listrik secara bergiliran sebagai dampak Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap Cilacap, PLTU Paiton, dan PLTU Suralaya masih terganggu lantaran kekurangan bahan bakar batubara dan program pemeliharaan jaringan listrik oleh Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) di beberapa wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang masih terjadi. Pemadaman listrik mulai pukul 08.00-17.00 setiap hari hingga akhir 2008.
1 | RABU 25 JUNI 2008 | (08.00-17.00 WIB) | Gambir | PJKA. Beos Kota (GI-Ancol), Mangga Besar, Pecah Kulit, P.Jayakarta, Mg Dua, Stasiun KA P.Jayakarta (GI-Mangga Besar), SKY LIFE, Wisma Dharmala, aret Pasar dan sekitarnya (GI-Setia Budi), Bank Rama, Hotel Sari Pacifik, Jakarta Theater (GI-Kebon Sirih) |
(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Kebayoran | Bintaro Plaza, Jl. Mabad Rempoa, Pondok Ranji, Jl. Mawar Bintaro dsk (GI-Bintaro), Jl. Pinang Mas Pondok Indah, Pondok Indah Mall dan sekitarnya, Jl. Cipadu, Tn. Seratus Ciledug, Sudimara Timur, Jl. Parung Serab dsk (GI-Petukangan) |
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(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Kramat jati | Perumahan Duta Indah, Perumahan Pemda Bekasi (GI-Jatirangon), Perum Jati Bening, Perum Jatiwaringin Permai (GI-Pondok Kelapa), PMI MT Haryono, Jl. Raya Ps. Minggu, Tegal Parang dsk (GI-Duren Tiga), Komp. DPR/MPR Kalibata, Pengadegan , MT Haryono (GI-Cawang |
| ||
(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Tangerang | STO Telkom Cikupa, PT. Yasulindo Cikupa dsk (GI-Cikupa), Ds. Suka Mulya, Kp. Peusar, Cukang Galih, Cisereh, Curug Kulon, Legok dsk (GI-Citra Habitat), Perumahan Duri Kosambi Baru, Kosambi Cengkareng dsk (GI-Duri Kosambi), Jl. Raya Serang, Cikupa, Pasir Gadung, Kp.Lamporan, Tangerang dsk (GI-Jatake), Kp. Poris Gaga, Kp. Warung Gantung, Semanan Duri Kosambi dsk (GI-Kembangan), Legok, Parung Panjang, Desa Batok, Jl. Raya Cirarab Legok dan sekitarnya (GI-Legok), PT. Indah Kiat Paper Jl. Raya Serpong KM.8 dsk (GI-Lengkong), Kawasan Industri Kalisabi dan sekitarnya (GI-Maxi Mangando) |
| ||
(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Tanjung priuk |
Jl. Raya Bekasi, Jl. Tipar Cakung dan sekitarnya (GI-Pegangsaan), Jl. Kebon Bawang, Jl. Yos Sudarso, Jl. Enggano, Jl. Ende dsk, Jl. Pegangsaan Dua, Jl. Tipar Cakung dan sekitarnya (GI-Plumpa |
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(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Jatinegara | Cipinang Jaya, Cipinang Muara dan sekitarnya (GI-Pondok Kelapa), Perumnas III Pulo Gebang, Pulo Gebang Permai, Komp Pertamina dsk, Jl. Komarudin, PT Alam Indah, Jl.Raya penggilingan, Perum Era Mas dsk, Jalan Cakung, Perum Buaran Indah IV, Penggilingan dsk. PLN Pondok Kopi, Wali Kota Jaktim, Perum Buaran Indah IV dsk (GI-Penggilingan |
| ||
2 | KAMIS 26 JUNI 2008 | (08.00-17.00 WIB) | Gambir | ITC Mangga Dua Jl. Mangga Dua Raya, Jl. Parang Teritis, Ancol Barat I, III, IV, Jl. Tmn Marina Ancol dsk (GI-Ancol), Jl. Zainal Arifin, BPK Petojo, Jembatan V, Jl. Biak, Jl. Petojo dsk (GI-Ketapang) |
(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Kebayoran | Jl. Kreo Ciledug, Pos Pengumben, Tmn Surya, Joglo, Petukangan dsk, Taman Alfa Indah Joglo, Pos Pengumben, Ciledug, Petukangan Utara dsk, Petukangan Utara, Kby Lama, Kodam Bintaro, Ciputat Ry, Pd. Pinang dsk (GI-Petukangan) |
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(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Kramat jati | Jl. Raya Kemang, Perum Antara Jatim Makmur dsk (GI-Jatirangon), Jl. Duren Tiga, Kali Bata Utara, Raya Buncit, Pancoran Barat 7, Tendean dsk (GI-Duren Tiga), Komplek Brimob, Hankam Cimanggis, Jl. Raya RTM dsk (GI-Gandaria) |
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(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Tangerang | Jl. Pembangunan Raya, Perum Batu Ceper Indah, Jl. Jurumudi Cengkareng dsk (GI-Cengkareng), PT. Andayani Megah Jl. Komplek Gajah Tunggal Group Tangerang, PT. Andayani Megah Jl. Komplek Gajah Tunggal Group Tangerang (GI-Pasar Kemis), Desa Rawa Kidang, Desa Bayur, Kp.Mekar Jaya, Jl Raya Mauk Sepatan dsk (GI-Gugus Depan), Kaw. Perumahan Bumi Serpong Damai, Kp. Lekong Wetan, Ds. Jelupang dsk (GI-Serpong), Kp. Pabuaran Kandang, Jl.Raya Batu Ceper, Jl.Poris Pelawad dsk (GI-Tangerang), Kp. Salembaran, Kamal, Kp. Dadap, S. Tahang, Ds. Muara Teluk Naga dsk (GI-Teluk Naga), Jl. Raya Serang, Jl. Raya Cikupa, Desa Telaga Cikupa Tangerang dsk (GI-Tiga Raksa) |
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(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Tanjung priuk | Jl. Cacing, PT.Nulti Bina Pura, PT.Mulia Guna Agung, Telaga Jaya dsk, RS Pemelo Marunda, Perum Gren Garden Jl. Rawa Malang dsk (GI-Marunda), Jl. Raya Ancol Selatan, Komplek Sunter dsk (GI-Kemayoran |
| ||
(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Jatinegara | PT Taisho, PT Apterik, Jl Raya Bekasi Km 25 dan sekitarnya, PT Rapigra, Suzuki Jl. Raya Pengglingan dsk, Perumnas Klender, Rusun Perumnas Klender dan sekitarnya (GI-Penggilingan) |
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3 | JUM’AT 27 JUNI 2008 | (08.00-17.00 WIB) | Gambir | Jl. Pluit Muara Karang, RS. International, Jl. Pantai Indah Kapuk dsk (GI-Angke), Jl. Karet Tengsin, Sudirman, Waduk Setiabudi (GI-Gedung Pola), Jl. Sudirman Gedung Prince dan Sekitarnya (GI-Karet Baru), Jl. Sudirman Raya, BCA, PT Puri Matari Kuningan dsk (GI-Setia Budi) |
(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Kebayoran | Jl. Sampit 3, Jl. Melawai Raya, Jl. Gandaria Tengah 1, Jl. Mahakam dsk, Barito Plaza, Petogogan, Sungai Sambas, Pang. Polim, Darma Wangsa dsk (GI-CSW), Jl. Senopati, Rajasa 1, Citayam 3, Daksa 2, Tulodong Atas, Tulodong Bawah dsk (GI-Danayasa) |
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(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Kramat jati | Pondok Rangon, Komplek Surya Mandala, Jl. Alor dsk (GI-Jatirangon), Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu, Warung Buncit dan sekitarnya, Jl. Duren Tiga, Pasar Minggu, Pancoran Raya dsk (GI-Duren Tiga), Pekapuran Sukatani dan sekitarnya (GI-Gandaria) |
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(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Tangerang | Ds. Cibadak, Kp. Pasir Nangka, Jl. Raya Serang Balaraja dsk (GI-Balaraja), Jl. Beringin, Kp.Neglasari, Jl. Rawa Kucing Sewan,Tangerang dsk (GI-Cengkareng), Kawasan Industri Pasar Kemis, PT. Duta Ratu, STO Pasar Kemis dsk (GI-Cikupa), Kp. Cukang Galih Curug, Jl. Raya Curug dak (GI-Citra Habitat), Perum Citra 2, Perum Utan Jati Cengkareng, Kp. Pegadungan, Daan Mogot dsk (GI-Duri Kosambi), Kp.Semanan, Dinas Kebersihan DKI Jl.Duri Kosambi, Daan Mogot dsk (GI-Kembangan), Kawasan Industri Benua, Perm. Benua Indah, Jl. Raya M. Toha, Mauk dsk (GI-New Tengerang) |
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(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Tanjung priuk | Jakarta Intel School, Perum Gading Kirana, Kelapa Gading dsk (GI-Plumpang), Jl. Sunter Kemayoran, Hotel Lakeside Kemayoran dsk (GI-Gambir Baru), Jl. Kali Abang, Jl. Pejuang Bekasi, Pondok Ungu dan sekitarnya (GI-Bekasi) |
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(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Jatinegara | Komp Buaran Indah 4, Kp Jembatan, Penggilingan Ry, Komp PIK, Pulo Indah, PT Sharp Yasonta Jl.Rajiman WD, Jalan Pupar Cakung, Perum Buaran Indah IV, Penggilingan dsk, PT United Traktor, PT Wintrad Jaya, Suzuki Jl. Raya Pengglingan dsk (GI-Penggilingan) |
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4 | SABTU 28 JUNI 2008 | (08.00-17.00 WIB) | Gambir | Jl. Merdeka Timur, Jl. Veteran, Jl. Juanda, Lapangan Monas (GI-Gambir Lama), Jl. Pasir Putih Raya, Timur, Pantai Sanur, Ancol Timur, PT. Jaya Ancol, Hyper Mall Mangga Dua (GI-Ancol) |
(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Kebayoran | Apartemen Kusuma Chandra, Sumitmas Jl. Jend Sudirman, Prince Smart Sudirman, Senayan Trade Centre (STC) Jl. Asia Afrika, Plaza Asia Sudirman, Bengkel Café Sudirman (GI-Danayasa) |
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(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Kramat jati | Kec. Jati Asih, Taman Galaxi, Pasar Rebo dsk, Jl. H. Diher, Jl. Delima, Perum Bumi Asih, Pamahan dsk (GI-Jatirangon), Jl. Ry Pondok Gede, Jl. Lubang Buaya,Taman Pondok Gede dsk (GI-Miniatur), Komplek Polri, Kelapa Dua Menpor, Cijantung dsk (GI-Cawang Baru) |
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(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Tangerang | Desa Pagedangan, Perum Legok Indah, Kp. Palasari Legok dsk (GI-Legok), Jl. Raya Serang BalaRaja, Kp. Saga, Kp. Kubang, Kp. Tolok Kresek dsk (GI-Balaraja), PT. Yasam, PT. Yasindotama Ds. Bunder Cikupa (GI-Maxi Mangando), Jl. Kasir II Ps. Kemis, Desa Gembor, Pasir Jaya, Jl. Raya Pasar Kemis dsk (GI-New Tangerang), Jl. Industri II, III, IV, VI, VII Psr Jaya Jatake Tangerang dsk (GI-Pasar Kemis), Ds. Belimbing, Kp. Melayu, Jl. Salembaran, Kp. Kamal Teluk Naga dsk (GI-Teluk Naga) |
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(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Tanjung priuk | Jl.Melati Perintis Kemerdekaan, Jl Perjuangan, Jl Kelapa Puyuh, Jl Janur Hijau (GI-Pulo Gadung), PT. Krama Yudha Motor, PT. Mahkota Belerang, Jl. Raya Bekasi dsk (GI-Pegangsaan) |
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(08.00-17.00 WIB) | Jatinegara | Jl. Casablanca dsk, Apartemen Casablanca, Jl Casablanka, Gedung Bidakara Pancoran Jakarta selatan (GI-Dukuh Atas) |
Posted by It's Just Me at Kamis, Juni 26, 2008
Labels: Info Rencana Pemadaman Listrik untuk wilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya
Rabu, 25 Juni 2008
Amazing Calculations
Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy
Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime
A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.
Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a lot more willing to die.
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.
A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
Rencana Perubahan Status KTP Indonesia
Status Perkawinan dalam KTP tengah digodok di DPR.
Pengisian kolom status perkawinan dalam KTP masih terus dipertanyakan. Pada pelaksanaannya saat ini digunakan istilah "KAWIN" bagi yan g telah menikah dan "TIDAK KAWIN" bagi yang belum. Tentu saja "TIDAK KAWIN" berkonotasi orang tersebut tidak akan kawin atau tidak ada keinginan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut.
Penggunaan istilah inilah yang terus menjadi masalah dan diperdebatkan mulai dari Bidang Kajian dan Pembinaan Bahasa Indonesia di Departemen Pengajaran Nasional hingga tingkat DPR Pusat. Banyak yan g berpendapat bahwa penggunaan kata Tidak Kawin atau Kawin tidak tepat lagi.
Kajian yan g telah dilakukan membawa pada kesimpulan bahwa istilah tersebut akan lebih tepat menggunakan frase lain sesuai dengan tingkat usia penduduk.Kajian yan g melibatkan Pusat Kajian dan Pembinaan Bahasa serta Fakultas Sastra Indonesia dari beberapa Universitas terkemuka telah merumuskan frase-frase tersebut sesuai dengan tingkat usia.
Adapun rencananya, rumusan ini akan segera diajukan ke DPR untuk digodok kembali sehingga dapat menjadi peraturan resmi atau bahkan Undang-undang yan g berlaku untuk seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
Berikut ini adalah draft tabel rancangannya :
17-20 Belum kawin Keburu Kawin
21-25 Kepingin Kawin Terlanjur Kawin
26-30 Kapan Kawin Kenapa Kawin
31-35 Nggak Sanggup Kawin Telat Kawin
36-40 Nggak Laku Kawin Menyesal Kawin
41-45 Nggak Kawin-Kawin Bbrpa Kali Kawin
46-50 Nggak Kepingin Kawin Lupa Sdh Kawin
51-60 Mungkin Nggak Kawin Apanya yg Kawin
60 ke atas Tidak Bakal Kawin Boro-boro Kawin
Hehehe....., serius amat mbacanya.... !
Posted by It's Just Me at Rabu, Juni 25, 2008
Kisah pahit seorang GIGOLO
Teman-teman, Bacalah kisah di bawah ini:
(Cobalah ambil hikmahnya.. jangan terburu-buru silau oleh harta)
Seorang pemuda frustasi mencoba-coba jadi gigolo.
Pengalaman pertamanya bertemu seorang ibu muda perlente dengan mobil mewah. Pemuda itu dibawa dengan mobil mewah menuju ke sebuah rumah besar milik wanita itu.
Sesampainya dirumah, Dia dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah kamar. Si pemuda itu merasa nevous karena ini adalah pertama kalinya masuk ke kamar wanita lain.
Pikirannya sudah macam-macam, bingung dan juga kikuk. Semakin berpikir seperti itu, birahinya juga makin muncul.
Sebelum melakukan apa-apa, wanita itu berkata, "Kamu lepas dulu baju kamu dan tunggu disini dulu ya, jangan ke mana-mana," ujar wanita itu kemudian keluar dari kamar. Pemuda itu makin bingung karena ditinggal sendirian.
Sebetulnya dia malu untuk telanjang karena tubuhnya kurus. Akhirnya dia melepas semua bajunya,dan menunggu di kamar. "Ah sudah kepalang tanggung," pikirnya.
Tak lama kemudian, ibu itu masuk ke dalam kamar. Kali ini diikuti oleh dua orang anak kecil.
Ibu itu berkata kepada kedua anak kecil itu, "Nah, Wati dan Budi, harus banyak makan. Kalau tidak, nanti badannya kurus seperti Om ini"
Huahaha..ha. .ha..
Serius Amat Bacanya... Ayo kerja.. kerja ...
Selasa, 24 Juni 2008
A GREAT lady who sold her body to help her poor students
卖一次淫,可以帮助一名失学儿童;当一回二奶,可以拯救一所希望小学… 别笑,
Each prostitution, can help one schooless child; become a mistress once, can rescue a hopeless primary school... Don't laugh, after you read, u won't laugh.
After I read this story, I was speachless. I don't know what to say, is it society's fault, or else?
Xia is dead, she was a hooker, or to be more precise she was a teacher. She was the most
honourable teacher in China . She used her body to cleanse the children's heart.
A hooker's death, all the children cried and attended her funeral, a school lowered the national flag half mast for her.
During the funeral of this 21year old pretty teacher, in front of all the students, the headmaster read out Xia's diarysadly. She had written : 'Each prostitution, can help one schooless child; to become a mistress once, can rescue a hopeless primary school.'....
Xia lived in a small village in the province of Gan Shu . All the ladies in this small village, no matter whether she is pretty or not, go to the southern part of city to earn money. Every spring, they will come back with money and beautiful cloths. Xia didn't follow them after she finished her secondary school. Many people couldn't understand her as she has a pretty face and body. And because of this, her father always scold her.
When she heard that the only primary school in the village needs some teachers, she volunteered to become a teacher for free. She was a very good student in her secondary school and because of this, she easily passed thru all the tests to become the teacher of the school.
当 殷彩霞第一次走进课堂的时候,孩子门哗然了,他们从未见过如此漂亮的女老师。从此,教室里常常洋溢着孩子们的欢声笑语。说是教室,其实也就一遮风挡雨的茅 草棚,树杆埋成的墙,石板搭起的课桌,砖头码起的讲台,最值钱的就是那块用青砖砌起之后经打磨又刷了黑漆的黑板了,粉笔不够用,常以石灰与泥巴代替。就是 在这样条件下,殷彩霞教会孩子们认识了几千个汉字,也教会了他们很多做人的道理。
The 1st time when Xia walks into the classroom, all children were surprised to see such a pretty teacher. From then on, the classroom was always fill with children's laughter. The Classroom -- more like a hut instead, as the wall is made of sticks and cover with leaves as its ceiling. A big stone as their table and the most expensive thing is the polished dark-green stone which they use as their blackboard. In this condition, Xia taught thousands of Chinese words and knowledge to her students.
2天孩子们上学的时候各个不知道所措。校长去找县教育局长要钱结果无功而返。老校长晚上回来对殷彩霞说,局长说要你去才给。从来没有出过远门、也没有见过世面的殷彩霞怕把事情搞杂了,胆怯的步行10几 公里去了县里。局长的办公室装修很豪华,墙上挂着很多锦旗,办公桌黑里透红,可以照见人影,上面立着一面小国旗,椅子是皮的,好象擦了鞋油一样光亮,比他 的脑袋还要亮。局长见到殷彩霞,色咪咪聊了很多不着边际的话。直到天黑了,局长指着另外一扇门对她说,跟我过来拿钱。当殷彩霞走进去的时候,她只看到了一 张床,也就是在那张床上,她失去了她的第一次,确切地说,是局长夺走了她的第一次。
One night a thunderstorm destroyed the only classroom in the school and all students become schoolless. The headmaster visited the province's education minister for some money to repair the classroom but come back with nothing. The Headmaster told Xia that the minister said he will only give the money if Xia ask for it personally. Xia had never travel far from her home town before and had never meet any minister before. She was afraid that she will make things worst. However, she decided to visit the minister. She walked more than 10km to the province ministry office and sat in a beautiful office in front of the minister. The Minister's eyed her hungry, pointed to a room and said to Xia: 'Your money is in the room, if you want it, follow me.' Xia saw a big bed in the room and that was the bed where she lost her virginity. The Minister raped her.
Her virgin blood left on the bedsheet was more reddish than the color of the national flag in the room.
Xia didn't cry, all she could think of are the eyes of all disappointed students that have no classroom.
She rushed home in the dark. She didn't tell anyone about the rape.
第 二天,村民们自发来到学校,买了些材料把简陋的教室重新搭建起来了。可遇到刮风下雨的日子,依然上不了课。殷彩霞几次跟孩子们说,县里不久将会来人给他们 买砖头盖一所牢固的教室,在这半年里,校长去县城找了局长十几趟,一分钱没拿到。只有他知道局长对殷彩霞做了些什么,但他却无能为力。新学期开始了,很少 人交得起学费,能够坚持来校上课的孩子越来越少了,他们都跟着父母放羊去了。殷彩霞内心感到了疼痛,为这些失学儿童而疼痛。
The next day, the villagers bought some woods and repair the classroom. But whenever there was heavy rain, the classroom was still not usable. Xia would tell the students that province ministry department will build a good school for them. In the past half year, the headmaster had visited the ministers more than 10 times but never ever get any money from them. He was the only one who knew what had happened to Xia but he could do nothing about it. The new semester comes, many students cannot pay their fees and they had to follow their parents to work. The number of students had become lesser and lesser. Xia was sad about that.
当 殷彩霞知道孩子们的希望已经化为泡影的时候,她脱光了自己的衣服,对着镜子暗暗发誓将用自己的身体去实现孩子们的上学梦。在家乡她知道那些花枝招展回来过 年的姐妹们都是在外做批肉生意的。她明白那是一条赚钱的捷径。她洗了个澡,告别了校长、告别的父亲,告别了那间千疮百孔的茅草棚,扎着两条麻花辫走向了繁 华的大都市。临走的时候,父亲笑了,校长哭了
When Xia know that the hopes of all her students have gone to ashes, she removed all her cloths and swear to her naked body that she will use her body to realise the children's dream to be able to go to school. She knew that all ladies in the village were working as prostitutes in the cities to earn their livings and she knew that was the shortcut for her to earn money. She washed herself and say goodbye to headmaster, father, and school. She tied her hair in 2 ponytails and walk to the city. When she left, her father smiled and headmaster cried....
殷 彩霞是那帮姐妹里最节俭的女孩。她从来不化妆,也从来不穿那些性感的衣服,她总爱扎着麻花辫,但她的生意却总是最好的,她总是抢了其他妓女的饭碗,她也经 常为此遭到妓女们的群殴。鼻青脸肿之后,她会走向另一家发廊,似乎只有在那粉色的灯光下她才可以看到希望。看着嫖客们一张张邪恶的嘴脸,她似乎看到了孩子 们天真的笑容,但她从来就不曾因此而流泪,因为,她是个老师。
In the colorful city, Xia was not happy at all, in her mind, there were only broken classroom and sadness and the disappointed looks of her students. She walked into a Hair-Saloon, laid down on a dirty bed, and accepted her 2nd dirty business. In that night, in her diary she wrote : 'The Minister can't even compare to this 1st customer. At least they pay.'
She sent all her earnings minus her living expenses to headmaster. The Headmaster followed her instruction to use the money on the school. When people asked about the source of the money, the headmaster would answer that it was donation from some charitable societies.
After a while, people came to know that the real source of money was from the teacher Xia. Many reporters would like to interview her but she just refused with the reason that she was just a prostitute.
With the money, the school changed. In the 1st month, there was a new blackboard. In the 2nd month, a wooden table and chair. By the 3rd month, all children have their own books. By the 4th month, all children have a red tie each. By the 5th month, no children go to school in bare foot.
On the 6th month, Xia come back. All the students welcomed her happily and say 'Teacher, you are back ...... Teacher is so beautiful'... Seeing all students' happy and excited faces, Xia cried.. No matter how many tear drops and how many sadness in the past 6 months.. she felt her sacrifice is worth it when she see all these.
After few days at home, she went back to the city.
By the 7th month, a playing field was built; by the 8th month, they have a basketball court, by the 9th month, all students have new pencils. 10th month, the school has their own national flag, the students would raised the national flag daily.
On the 11th month, a land-developer who refuses to use the condom makes Xia pregnant. After her abortion, she became the developer's mistress. After 6 months, the developers dumped her because he was facing problem as the land-value had dropped in Shengzhen and he didn't pay her 1 cent.
殷 彩霞终于疲倦了,她想回家,她想回到孩子们的身边,可她最大的梦想是为孩子们盖上一间砖砌的教室,再为孩子们买上两台电脑,因为这个梦想还没实现,所以她 只能回头去苦苦哀求那位房产商。房产商说没钱,但可以为她介绍一笔大生意,一老外,愿意出三千美元买她一夜。想到几年前的那阵大风,殷彩霞拖着疲惫的身躯 爬上了老外的床。她发誓,过了那个晚上她就回到她久别的家乡,回到她久别的课堂。
Xia felt very tired, she thought of going home and going back to be with her students, but she had yet to fulfill her dream which was to build a concrete classroom with 2 PCs for the students. Hence, she went back to beg the developer but the developer just refused to pay her anything but he was willing to introduce her to a lucrative business with a foreingner. The foreigner was willing to pay her 3000rmb for 1 night. Thinking of the thunderstorm that happenned a few years ago, she tiredly went to the foreigner's hotel. She sweared that she will go back to her home and school after this.
However, on that night she was raped and killed by 3 foreigners. She had just turned 21year old.
Xia died without fulfilling her final wish which was to build a concrete classroom with 2 PCs for her students.
A hooker died, silently. The sky of ShengZhen is still as blue as before, the ministers still sit happily in their offices, many expensive cars still running on street, people happily discussing share market, house market value, car value, and movies, music and love story. Young lovers trying to commit suicide just because of some small misunderstandings between themselves.
However, at this time, the students, teachers and a few hundreds villagers were attending the funeral in the small village 'GanShu'
During the wake, people can only see a black and white photo of Xia. In the photo, she has 2 pony tails and happily smile. The Headmaster opens the diary of Xia and read in front of all students. She wrote : ' Each prostitution, can help one schooless child; become a mistress once, can rescue a hopeless primary school...'
The national flag lowered to half mast... Maybe, this will be the ONLY national flag lowered to half mast because of a GREAT hooker in China 's history.
多 好感言:写这篇文章,我整整哭了两个小时。从今以后,我再也不会歧视任何妓女,因为她们当中有一个殷彩霞。真诚希望大家多转载此文,贴满各个论坛和空间. 让我们的父母官们看看,当他们在台上高谈阔论的时候,当他们在酒桌前恍酬交错的时候,当他们以权谋私的时候,当他们在台上学习三个代表的时候,多想想那个 不是共产党员的殷彩霞和万千处于水深火热的穷苦百姓。彩霞在那个世界在用哀求的眼神望着我们。
After I wrote this, I cried for 2 hours. From now on, I won't discriminate any hooker, because among them there is a Xia. Hope you will forward this mail to all forum, friends, websites. Let all our government officers understand that while they were giving out empty-promises, while they were drinking in the pub, while they were practising dirty politics; someone using her own power had tried to help the poor. Xia must be sadly looking at all of us from above now. Although she was just a hooker, she was purer and more saintly than any of us. In this cold and dirty society, what she gave to the students were the 'Greatest Love' of mankind.
Xia left this world with unfulfilled wishes. Can we continue her job of bringing more hope to the poors? In this cold winter, why don't we share our love and commit ourselves to help these poor children in the third world and support those who try to be Xia in our country? Share our love to PRC, support them more.. we can be saint ourselves.
Posted by It's Just Me at Selasa, Juni 24, 2008
Labels: A GREAT lady who sold her body to help her poor students