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Minggu, 18 Mei 2008


I see how Gods Power moves like never before.
People receive their healings and they are being set free.
Not in one service since I came back from Asia , did the power of God not rule.
There is a key to be clothed with that power – unconditional submission and obedience to Gods power in your life. God gives His spirit to the obedient.
Power belongs to God, and remains His forever. You cannot control that.
If you’ll have His power work in you, bow before the holy presence that dwells in you. He asks you to surrender to His guidance even in the smallest things – yes in all.
We need to walk in humble and in Holy fear, and not in your own will, but God’s will. Let the Holy Spirit possess you, and then you will see how His power is working through you.
I tell you, God is seeking men and woman whom He can clothe with His power. People who have faith. Can God trust you to be His hands and feet? Can God trust you?
Do you have faith in the God of the supernatural?
There are millions perishing and crying for deliverance, and the Power of God is waiting to deliver them.
Give yourself wholly and undivided to be a faithful witness for Jesus and believe that His Holy Spirit is within you, to reach a dying world.
His power works in our weaknesses, you just need faith!
It is His power, not yours!
If you say to me” Retha, I am weak, then God says, let the weak say I am strong”
His power, not yours.
Why are we so impatient? To have a harvest, you have to sow
sow in the supernatural to harvest in the natural.
Speak life, to receive life!
One thing I have learnt after our accident is…patience!
I can do nothing else, than pray, keep my faith, speak life and trust God.
People love to ask me :” how long will you still keep your faith?”
Forever, because He (Jesus) is all I have and He is a life, and no man that He can lie.
What about you? – Can you trust Him with your life?
Many people speak to me about their bad situations.
God once said to me,” People can have what you say, but they say what they have”
Start speaking life!
This is how you sow in the supernatural.
I see how Aldo moves in the supernatural, not the natural.
Gods ways are not mans ways.
So now, I don’t look around anymore to see what our children are doing, no
I just trust God unconditionally for their future!
I no longer give God rules on how I want my son, I now just trust Him.
We are body, soul and spirit.
I cried to the Lord,” Please Lord, let Aldo’s body, soul and spirit come in line with Your Word”.
He said:” What about yours Retha”,
We think that only someone with head injuries is out of line, No!
What about ours?
My Father, I want to submit my whole being to your Holy Power, your Holy Spirit.
I humble myself to obey your commands, Father let your power rule in me, that I may be fit for your use.

There is only one big goal in my life, and that is THAT YOUR SON WILL RECEIVE ALL THE HONOR AND THE GLORY!
Keep your faith

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