- The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

Selasa, 24 Februari 2009

Bahasa Gaul ala supir gitu loooooooooh

NEW FEAR THE ME IS 3 --> Nyupir demi istri

She up she up the kill the me is three
(siap siap dekil demi istri)

Be Are New Fear Young Pen Think Hall All -
Biar Nyopir yang penting halal

CAN'T ARE ROCK --> Ken Arok

1/3 DIS --> Seperti Gadis

MER - 123 - LUCK --> Mertua Galak

THE ME anak IS 3 --> demi anak istri..

"be are the kill us all come fuck"
-->Biar dekil asal kompak

"SO FEAR SHE N THINK" ---> Sopir Sinting

"BE YOUNG CARE ROCK" ---> Biang Kerok

"Alone By Must" ---> Alon bae Mas

"Ja500Let" --> Jago Pelet

"Moe K Sue Fear 1/3 Rong"
--> Muka Supir seperti garong

"on any book an plumb pleasant"
---> Onani bukan pelampiasan

Fuck Here Miss Kind!!! --> Fakir Miskin

"By new must
-> banyumas, deketnya purwokerto
(kalo tukul bilang golden water)

"Send goal & buy year" (senggol & bayar)

"Soup Ear Neck Cut" -Ã Sopir nekat

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