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Kamis, 31 Juli 2008

art of communication

- Listen without judgment. The key to good communication is listening
well. Save your judging for later after you have heard and understood what
was said.
- Listen with the willingness to be swayed to the other person's opinion.
No obligation to actually being swayed, but stay open to the option.
- Listen without thinking about what you will say next. Take time before
you respond.
- Do not be invested in being right. Being right is not the point. If you
must be right, you are not able to listen nor communicate because you have
set up a barrier already. If you are always right that means the other
person is always wrong. That cannot be true.
- If your mind wanders, ask for repetition. We all are subject to
distraction. Try to stay focused.
- In all cases repeat back what you heard and ask if it is correct.
- Say it honestly, but with consideration for the listener's feelings. Be
polite, respectful and sincere.
- Understand and acknowledge that most things are not black or white, but
somewhere in a gray area. Get comfortable with gray.
- Have integrity and build trust. Don't say what you don't mean. Don't
promise what you won't or can't fulfill. Follow through with any
commitments you make.

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